Create a Copy Job using an EDL

Is it possible to copy clips from the source folder to a destination folder using an EDL?
We’d like to just copy the clips listed in the EDL.

We are currently in development on a Consolidation feature that will do just that!

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@amy and @ToddL, this feature already exists.

In the latest release, you should be able to select any number of clips, Right-click and choose 'Copy To… ’

Then select a destination and copy away…

This was recently improved in v1.5.3.


Thanks, that’s what we were looking to do!

It’s pretty straightforward, but here’s a step by step How To

Tiny hiccup here. It appears that the Cortex won’t start the copy if it has to mine thru too many folders.

Any suggestions?

So you clicked ‘Start Copy’ and then nothing happened? How long did you wait? Anything in the logs?

I think I’ve got it figured. We had Avid DNX36 Media with the same clip names located in one of the folders.
Once I removed that, it copied fine.

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OK. This feature is still pretty new and not fully battle tested. If you identify particular issues and steps to reproduce them, please do open bugs here so we can hunt them down :smile: