How to Create a New ImageStore

An ImageStore (also known as a Videostore or Rawdisk) allows Correct to ingest, layoff and manage tape-based media.

##Create the VideoStore data file

  1. Start the MTI Read Write Test program (Start > All Programs > MTI > Tools > MTI Read Write Test)
  2. Enter the full path and name for the VideoStore file: (by convention, we recommend a name as shown below at the root of the volume)
  3. Adjust parameters
  4. Enter the desired file size in the ‘File Size’ box (in GB)
  5. Leave all other settings at their default values.
  6. Click Write File (Do not click Create File)
    It will take some time for the VideoStore to be completely written.
    While it is writing, you can update the VideoStore configuration files

##Configure rawdisk.cfg

By default, MTILocalMachine.ini is configured to look for rawdisk.cfg here:C:\MTIShare\rawdisk.cfg

If that file does not already exist in that location, you can copy rawdisk.cfg from C:\Program Files\Mathematical Technologies\Examples\

Open rawdisk.cfg in notepad. It should look like this:

  • Edit the RawDiskSize value. Replace it with the value that appears in Num Blocks in the Read Write Test program after you entered the file size
  • RawVideoDirectory should point to the data file. (i.e., F:\MTI_VideoStore.rd1)
  • FreeListFile should point to the file created in the next section (C:\MTIShare\rd1.rfl by default)

Save and close the file

##Configure the FreeListFile (rd1.rfl)

The FreeListFile manages the used and free space within the videostore

  1. Copy rd1.rfl from C:\Program Files\Mathematical Technologies\Examples to C:\MTIShare
  2. Open rd1.rfl in notepad.
    If you copied it from the examples, you should see:
    Location=0 NumBlock=3125000000
  3. Replace the NumBlock value with the value of Num Blocks from the Read Write Test program (this should be the same as RawDiskSizein rawdisk.cfg)
  4. Save and close rd1.rfl

##Configure the DiskSchemes.ini file

The DiskSchemes.ini file determines which VideoStores are displayed in the dropdown menu of the Bin Manager in Correct.

The file is located in C:\Program Files\Mathematical Technologies or C:\Program Files(x86)\Mathematical Technologies

  1. Copy DiskSchemes.ini from C:\Program Files\Mathematical Technologies\Examples to teh Mathematical technologies directory

  2. Open DiskSchemes.ini in notepad.You should see:


  3. Set MainVideoMediaLocation to match MediaIdentifier in rawdisk.cfg

Save and close the file

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Regarding this parameter in rawdisk.cfg

This parameter determines what the block alignment is withing the rawdisk file for each frame, as a number of 512-byte blocks. The default value of 1 works well for most internal storage, but for RAIDs that have a larger block size, it should be increased to match.

For instance, if the RAID is created with a 4K block size, then FastIOBoundary should be 8 (8 * 512 = 4096).

For a RAID with a 1M block size, FastIOBoundary should be 2048.

The Read / Write test program has a related parameter called “IOAlign” which you can use to test different alignments to determine the best value.

If you find a value that works, divide that by 512 to get the right number for FastIOBoundary.