Would like the ability to apply scaling to stills during import

When folks use Resolve on set, the stills they export don’t import into Cortex with the proper levels. Black is below 0 and white is above 100 on the scope. Apparently Resolve automatically scales the levels from SMPTE levels to full levels when they export stills (eg, code value 64 ends up at code value 0 in their TIFF files).

It would be nice to have the option to automatically apply the inverse scaling to stills when they are imported.

Currently, the best workaround is to:

  1. import stills as clips
  2. apply a CDL offset that approximates the inverse scaling ( offset = 0.70, slope = 0.850 )
  3. grab new stills from these clips for reference
  4. delete the clips made from the stills, then import the actual footage and proceed normally.

This is implemented in Cortex-1.5.2-beta-b4666:

When you import one or more stills from normal image files, you get this dialog, allowing you to scale them on input: