Audio TC Burn from Aux Track

OK, we have this feature implemented in v1.5.4 beta b5430.

To use:

  1. Right-click on wav clips, or clips sync’d to wave files, and choose ‘Edit Timecode’
  2. Choose ‘Update Manually’ or ‘Update Automatically’
  3. If Update Automatcally is chosen, choose which Audio Channel to read for decoding the timecode
  4. Click OK
    (It will take a while if updating automatically)

Afterwards, the timecode will be available as a burn-in, and any reel that includes clips with non-zero Aux timecodes will also have them listed in the ALE in the column Auxiliary TC 3


Note: we get close, but different results than Avid in the sample that @24pdailies originally provided, but we get the expected results for everything BWF Timecoder creates.