PIX dailies file naming

Here’s an update on where we are headed with this feature. Please feel free to comment:


  • if Reel.Tapename == Source Filename
    • output filename = source filename
  • if Reel.Tapename == Reel Name
    • output filename = clip name*
  • if Reel.Tapename == Tape Name
    • output filename = clip name*

* for DPX files, the output foldername is the clipname, but the filename prefix is the reel name or tape name, respectively


  • Output filename is defined by deliverable (not by the reel name option)
  • Deliverable config:
    • file-per-clip
      • default name template
        • {sourcefilename}
      • other likely ones:
        • {clipname}
        • {scene}_{take}_{camid}
    • file-per-reel
      • default name template
        • {reelname}

This will require some adjustment for those who have become accustomed to having dailies reels automatically name output files as {scene}_{take}_{camera} when Reel Name is chosen as the tapename. They will have to create separate configs for to accomplish this if they still desire this naming in the future.