Exporting & sharing color decisions using a Manifest, Stills, LUTs or CDLs

CORTEX gives you many options for sharing color decisions between CORTEX workstations or with other programs and people.

##CORTEX Manifest
The easiest and most foolproof way of sharing color decisions between two CORTEX stations is via a [CORTEX Manifest file] (New in v 1.5: Relinking and Traceback with the CORTEX Manifest)

This ensures that all LUTs and Primary Color are applied directly to the specific clips they are intended for.

##CORTEX Stills
CORTEX can export Stills as JPGs, .still files that are readable by other CORTEX systems, or both.

  1. Select the Stills you wish to export (these can be either grabbed Stills or the auto-generated Timeline Stills)
  2. Right-click and select Export Stills
  3. The Export Stills dialog will open, select the file location and Still format
  4. Click Export

You can also access the Export Stills dialog from the Project Manager

When you import .still files into another CORTEX system, they will be available in the Imports Still Store and can be applied to one or more clips as you would with a grabbed Still.

.Still files include all LUT, Primary Color, Framing, Film Effects (Grain & Aperture Correction), and Camera-specific options.

##LUT Files
You can export a look as LUT file in 3DL or Cube format

Imported LUTs are available in the LUT Still Store

  • Double-click to apply a LUT as the Output LUT
  • Right-click for options to apply as an Input or Output LUT

##CDL Files
You can export a look as a .cdl (xml) file

Imported CDLs will appear in the Imports Still Store and can be applied to one or more clips as you would with a grabbed Still.

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