CORTEX v1.5.2 beta release notes

This topic is for Cortex v1.5.2 beta release announcements.

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VERSION 1.5.2-beta b4597

Is available for download. Click here to visit the download page.


  • GENERAL: Ability to read JPEG2000 MXF files*
  • GENERAL: Ability to read HEVC/H.265 files*
  • GENERAL: Feet+frames burn-in counter available
  • GENERAL: Can now import reels from manifest
  • GENERAL: Can now create reels with no deliverables
  • GENERAL: Can now drag and drop folders or files onto clip bin to import media
  • RENDER: Ability to output JPEG2000 MXF files*
  • RENDER: Ability to output HEVC/H.265 files*
  • RENDER: Ability to output XDCAM/MPEG2 .MP4 and .MXF files
  • RENDER: Ability to assign custom naming templates in each deliverable configuration

* restrictions apply due to licensing. contact support for details if you are interested in testing


The drag/drop method for importing media is pretty awesome. Thank you for adding this!


VERSION 1.5.2-beta b4666

Is available for download. Click here to visit the download page.


  • COLOR: Ability to apply scaling to stills during import (None, Full-to-SMPTE, SMPTE-to-Full)
  • GENERAL: Ability to add handles to clips (Right-click > Add Handles)


  • GENERAL: Updated Sony SDK to version 4.4.0


  • COLOR: Stills grabbed from Sony F65 footage could look garbled
  • COLOR: Fix issue where color properties were not shown correctly for initially selected clip when first opening a job
  • COLOR: Fix crash that could occur when applying color to clips that have had their playspeed modified
  • COLOR: Fix crash that could occur when importing DPX files as stills
  • COLOR: Fix issue where scopes did not resize properly unless you switched out of job tab and back
  • COLOR: Fix issue where color tool was disabled after editing a config and returning to job
  • GENERAL: Edit timecode dialog’s “Use settings” option is no longer shown if there are no settings
  • GENERAL: Fix crash deleting events from a reel when viewing Preview deliverable
  • GENERAL: Prevent import clips with drag and drop while dialog is open
  • GENERAL: Don’t attempt to loop playback reel with only 1 event - was not working right
  • GENERAL: Fix edge case where duplicate job names could sometimes be created
  • GENERAL: Fix issue where job would have to be re-opened after changing some project settings
  • GENERAL: Fix issue where when playing back audio only clips, timecode burn in stopped updating before reaching end of clip
  • RENDER: Fix issue with rendering file sequence clips with no filename prefix (eg 0000.dpx) when image filename burned in
  • HARDWARE: Fix some issues with switching modes on AJA Kona cards

VERSION 1.5.2-beta b4678

Is available for download. Click here to visit the download page.


  • COPY: Add ability to copy media files for selected clips to a specified location


  • GENERAL: Fix issue where reel events were not included in Cortex Manifest XML if exported from a reel when Preview deliverable tab was selected

VERSION 1.5.2-beta b4709

Is available for download. Click here to visit the download page.


  • GENERAL: Add RAM cache for long GOP formats to improve performance of navigation commands like jog, shuttle, fast forward, rewind
  • GENERAL: One less click when importing manifest; dialog to choose whether to import reels now appears after manifest is chosen


  • COLOR: Fix issue where could take a long time to save timeline still when changing color due when deleting obsolete rendered files
  • GENERAL: Fix issue where embedded audio for some long GOP formats would get out of sync during playback
  • GENERAL: Fix issue where GoPro material recorded at 47.95 fps would not encode to other formats unless audio was removed first
  • RENDER: Fix issue where audio for op-Atom J2K files were getting deleted by garbage collection when reel was closed

Version 1.5.2-beta b4771

Is available for download. Click here to visit the download page.


  • COLOR: Fix issue where copying color from previous or next event could cause changes to color changes from one clip to be applied to another inadvertently
  • COLOR: Add error log message if color doesn’t match what was saved to the database
  • GENERAL: Always treat .cine files as phantom files. Fixes issue where auto-detecting the codec of a phantom file could cause Cortex to attempt to decode improperly and fail in rare cases.
  • GENERAL: Fix issue decoding 12-bit Phantom files
  • RENDER: Fix issue encoding from 47.95 fps GoPro sources - would crash if audio was not removed first

Cortex v1.5.2 is now released. Please follow this release topic for additional maintenance releases.