Error when Episodes/Folders name is longer than 20 characters

If i have a project and attempt to name the episode / Folders column with a name greater than 20 characters i get the following error message when the job is created.
Exception occurred opening stills: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

the log reports the following error
Property:NickName Error: The field NickName must be a string

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@amy are you able to reproduce this?

@dave @joeral Yep, I was able to reproduce it first try with Joe’s description. Exact same error message in pop-op and log.

OK, thanks. part of this issue is likely that we just need to tell the user if they have entered an episode name that is too long when they try to save it…

Aside from that, perhaps we need to make the max length for episode name longer, but this is the first time I’m hearing of anyone running into an issue with it. @joeral, can you tell us any more about why you need more than 20 characters for the episode name?

we encountered this in previous versions when either the project name, or the Job name was to long.
i was running some tests from a test project that i had created and figured that i would try to use a longer name in one of the fields.
You are correct in assuming that the episode would rarely be that long.
As for the Job column we routinely assign a naming structure such as Showcode_EpisodeNumber_version_VFX_MMDDYY
Our workflow may be unique so if needed we can limit our naming to 20 characters.

OK, well we should get this sorted out and make sure it’s clear when the max length has been exceeded at the very least.

And if we did increase max length on any of these fields, it sounds like job name is where you would like to see that happen mostly, right?

yes job name, or keep it as is and have some sort of warning pop up when 20 characters is exceeded.

thanks Dave

OK, the next beta release will show a warning when the episode nickname exceeds 20 characters.

The actual Episode name (top field) can be up to 64 characters.

The Job name and Job filename can also both be up to 64 characters.

@peter no urgency on this, but we should do a couple other things at some point:

  1. add the warning when any of the 64-max character counts are exceeded
  2. bump up the Episode Filename max to 64 to match the rest.

thank you all,
very ironic that my posts must be at least 20 characters long.

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OK, try out build 4375. If you don’t feel like typing 20 characters to say thank you, just click the :heart: button on the posts you like :slight_smile:

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