Our forum software support [Markdown] (Basic writing and formatting syntax - GitHub Docs) for simple, basic formatting options. It’s never necessary to format you posts, but if you are looking for ways to add things like lists or emphasis… or you’re wondering why something is accidentally much bigger or bold when you weren’t expecting it, here’s a quick rundown of the most commonly used Markdown formatting options.
# is a top-level header like the one above
## Is the next level down
### And so on
You can **bold** an item or *italicize* it by surrounding it in asterisks
##Ordered lists
- Just start typing a numbered list as you normally would
- Add spaces ahead of the number to nest
- It doesn’t matter which number you put at the head, they can all be "1"s, the increments will happen automatically
so, here’s how I just made that list:
1. Just start typing a numbered list as you normally would
1. Add spaces ahead of the number to nest
1. It doesn't matter which number you put at the head, they can all be "1"s, the increments will happen automatically
##Unordered Lists
- Use the - (dash) for bullet lists
- You can also use spaces to nest this kind of list
#Images and Links
You can drag and drop any image (like a screenshot) into the Compose window and it will automatically get embedded
To create a link to another site or post on the forum, [Put the words in brackets] (Then put the URL in parentheses), so [MTIFilm](http://www.mtifilm.com/)
becomes [MTIFilm] (http://www.mtifilm.com/)
If you just put a “naked” URL, the forum will generate a Onebox
#Escape Characters & Code Blocks
What if you want to use a # or a * character? You can “escape” it using the \, so here’s how I just typed all that:
What if you *want* to use a \# or a \* character? You can "escape" it using the \\
To put a single line of all literal characters, in monopace font, surround it with the ` (backtick) character
To put a multi-line block of code in, use three backticks ``` before and after the block or indent four spaces in front of each line
Here is a code block, everything is literal.
I can use # and * and even `