Getting the Most from the Forum: Don't Miss Posts!

This forum has a lot of features to help you easily identify what’s new since you last logged in - new replies, new posts, etc. But if there are certain topics that interest you more, you can Watch or Track them for better notifications.

At the bottom of each post, you’ll find your current tracking status and you can click that for a pop-up menu to change it.

By default, you will be set to Watching any new post you create and Tracking any post you reply to.

Watching will alert you to all replies to the post
Tracking will only notify you of replies to you or @-mentions
Regular posts will only alert you when you are @-mentioned
Muted posts will generate no notifications at all

If you’d rather not get alerts, but still want to keep an eye on certain topics, you can Star them and they will appear in your Starred list.

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In addition, there are settings in your user preferences that determine when topics are automatically tracked, when you get email notifications, etc.

You can also watch, track or mute entire categories:

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