In order to add wild track audio to a reel, you have to first tag it as wild track.
Its pretty easy to do it once you know how:
- Go to the sync tool
- Select the audio clip you want to tag as Wild Track
- Enter WT as the camera roll (or right-click in camera roll and choose WT)
After doing, so the clip will appear in the top list of picture clips. You can select it and see the wild track slate for the clip. This is how it will look when its added to a reel and rendered to a deliverable.
The default Wild Track slate should work pretty well for most needs, but if you want to customize it you can edit the deliverable config for whichever deliverables need your fancy customizations:
If you want to copy those changes to another deliverable, edit the other deliverable, then right click on the Wild Track button and choose Copy From > …
Finally, if you ever need to turn a Wild Track clip back into a normal clip, you can just remove WT from the camera roll…