Hey all,
Was talking to Randy a week or so ago, and was wondering why I’m getting the same render speeds(maybe slightly slower) with a Titan and a gtx970, than I was with just the titan? Do I need to install the same CUDA hardware to use multiple GPU’s?
Is Cortex setup to use both for rendering in the hardware config?
Anders Yarbrough / Founding Member/Lead Engineer
805.300.4221/ anders@oherlihyhardware.com
O’Herlihy Hardware, LLC Office: 818.666.0150 / Fax: 323.476.1180
1661 Devonshire Court, Westlake Village, CA 91361
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Two GPUs won’t necessarily increase rendering speeds, especially if the GPU is not the bottleneck. What are you using as a source file and what outputs are you making?
Prores 2k 4444 source media, rendering to h.264 and DNxHD36. I get around 150~170FPS
Anders Yarbrough / Founding Member/Lead Engineer
805.300.4221/ anders@oherlihyhardware.com
O’Herlihy Hardware, LLC Office: 818.666.0150 / Fax: 323.476.1180
1661 Devonshire Court, Westlake Village, CA 91361
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OK. Neither the source media or output formats are GPU intensive. You would expect to see an improvement in speed if you were rendering from something like ArriRaw.
Thanks for the definitive answer Peter! I’ll have to bump up the Xeons!
Anders Yarbrough / Founding Member/Lead Engineer
805.300.4221/ anders@oherlihyhardware.com
O’Herlihy Hardware, LLC Office: 818.666.0150 / Fax: 323.476.1180
1661 Devonshire Court, Westlake Village, CA 91361
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