Varicam pure footage


I am trying to use Cortex DIT with Panasonic´s Varicam Pure, but when i import the clips i see no image, the clip load but with a black image. I have opened the clips on davinci resolve and i can see the images as expected there.

I am using Cortex V5.1.1-B15838

Does Cortex support varicam pure footage?

Hi Pablo,

We haven’t tried Cortex yet with Varicam Pure footage as we haven’t seen any sample yet. We know it works ok with normal Varicam footage.

Hi Peter

I can provide you a clip from Varicam Pure if you want

Sure that would be great. You can send it to

Hi Peter

I send you a clip from our prep days, it is a focus chart.

Please let me know if you can import it to Cortex, I would like to use it on these show, but it is not urgent, I have alternatives

Thanks a lot

Pablo Garcia

Operador Phantom

Dailies on Set

+34 651833240

Thanks. We will see what we can do.

Hi Pablo,

The clip you sent us imports just fine for us into the version you are using. Could you send us the logs if you have a chance?

Here is information on how to export the logs:

Hi Peter

Good to hear that. I will send you on sunday, I will have no chance till then.


Hi Peter

Here is the Log


Pablo Garcia

Operador Phantom

Dailies on Set

+34 651833240

(Attachment is missing)

Hi Peter I have send you de log with retransfer


Pablo Garcia

Operador Phantom

Dailies on Set

+34 651833240